interior design

The Importance of Working With An Interior Designer

DIY interior design is made to look so easy these days. Between Pinterest, Buzzfeed and all the great tutorials on YouTube the prospect of working with a professional interior designer may seem unnecessary. But make no mistake, DIY projects are not always as easy as that 2 minute video makes them out to be. An experienced interior designer brings a valuable skillset that, assumedly, you do not have. This skillset makes the process easy, efficient and budget friendly.

Work Smarter

Take The Pressure Off  
You’re under a mountain of stress during the home building process. Working with an interior designer can help to alleviate some of that worry. To know that your home is in good hands and not have to make every single decision that goes into designing the interior of your home will provide room for your mind to focus on other important things in your life.

Retain Your Most Precious Asset
The time you spend with your family, your friends, your hobbies, your business, your leisure time: it’s limited. Designing your own interior space will be time consuming. Between choosing color schemes and materials to locating furniture and comparing prices, the process can be tedious. This will be especially true considering interior design will likely be a new skill for you. Delegating the minutia of the process to an interior designer is a worthwhile investment.

Save Money

For those of you shying away at the idea of hiring an interior designer on account of budget concerns, consider this: a novice interior designer (presumably, you) is prone to make mistakes. These types of mistakes could include: overpaying for decoration items, choosing the wrong paint color, buying the wrong sized furniture and under budgeting. Now, these are just a few of the risks you take when tackling interior design alone. These types of mistakes are costly and could eventually bring you way over budget for your design project, if you’ve worked out a budget in the first place. An interior designer allows you to save money using a “do it once, do it right” mindset.

Improve Your Living Experience

Think of your favorite website. It probably has some nice color schemes, great font, and maybe some high quality photos on there. It may also have some great content, a blog with news that’s important to you, a valuable product, or stories that you love. Is that why you love this site so much? Could you get this content elsewhere and if so, why don’t you? The answer probably involves the experience you have when you interact with this website. The user experience (UX) is a huge part of what makes anything, not only websites, our favorite. Interior design isn’t simply about deciding if something looks good, it’s also deciding what is most functional for your lifestyle and maximizing the space in your home. This skill, the ability to parse out the vital and eliminate the unnecessary is why an experienced interior designer is so valuable.  

Your Vision Made Reality With Expert Precision

Expertise & Facilitation
any fear an interior designer would judge or dismiss their ideas, though quite the contrary is true. An experienced interior designer realizes this is not their home and that their role is to facilitate and guide your vision with an expert hand. You may know exactly what you want but aren’t sure where to find the materials. You may have a color scheme that you want to see throughout your home, but aren’t sure where to go from there. An interior designer knows exactly where to get the materials and the next steps to take to define your vision. This type of expertise helps to make that picture of a dream home that only exists in your head become a reality quickly, efficiently, and without the headache.  

See Past Your Biases
Part of the skill a professional brings is the ability to see beyond the raw materials present, or lack thereof. A designer can introduce you to new materials, styles and ideas that you may not have even known existed. A designer can also re-work ideas, patterns, styles and materials in ways you hadn’t yet imagined. This can help you to be bold with your home’s design and reimagine ideas you may have previously ruled out.